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Monday, March 18, 2013

Review Time


I hope everyone had a restful spring break! I traveled to Hong Kong and had a great time, although I am a little tired!  We are getting close to the Science STAAR so we will be reviewing different sections that we have previously learned.  This is your time to put what you know!  This week will look a little differently. You will respond under your class homeroom by because each class will have a different topic. Don't just add to the bottom but instead click

Charles: Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas and physical change or chemical change. 
Demeris: Electricity
Juan: Light
Coolidge: Force and motion
White: Solar System

Mrs. Charles


  1. Charles Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Matter: specifically solid, liquid, and gas and what is physical and chemical change. Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with. Try to give me something more than just what is a solid, liquid, or gas.

    1. Solid- A solid is somthing that stays the same shape and has the same mass.
      EX- Rock, Minerales, and ice.

      Liquid- Something that takes the shape of it's container but has the same mass.
      EX- Water, Cooking Oil, and Soda.

      Gas- Something that takes the shape of it's container and it's mass also changes.
      EX- Oxegen, Carbon Dioxide, and Carbon Manoxide.

      Physical change- Is when something changes forms.
      EX- folding paper

      Chemical change- Is when some substance change into another substance.
      EX- sand turning into limestone

      Alex Lamprecht #9 3/18/13

    2. solids have definite shapes and volumes ex: a brick.
      liquids have definite volumes but indefinite shapes ex: water.
      gasses have indefinite shapes and volumes ex: smoke.
      Physical changes are changes that change the size, shape or state of matter but does not change what the matter is ex: tearing paper.
      chemical changes are when matter changes in ways that permanently change the matter ex: baking a cake.

    3. liquid- Matter that has a volume, but has no fixed shape.
      Some examples are water,juice,and milk.
      solid- Matter that has a definite size and shape.Some examples are cake,ice cubes,and brick
      gas- A state of matter it does not have a fixed shape or volume.Some examples are oxegon and carbon dioxide
      matter- any substance thats mass and takes up space. Some examples are chair, ball, and a dice.
      physical change- a change in size, shape or state of mstter that does not change the matters basic identity. An example is bending a paperclip.
      chemical change- When matter changes in ways that create new kinds of matter or permently chages the orginal matter. EX. baking a cake.

    4. Solid-Matter that has a definite size and shape.
      EX-door,rock,and pencil

      Liquid-Matter that has definite volume, but no fixed shape, and will take the shape of the container.
      EX-water,pepsi,and vinegar

      Gas- a state of matter that does not have a fixed shape or volume. Will take the shape of a container.
      EX-Oxegen and carbon dioxide

      Chemical Change- When one substance permanently changes the original matter.
      EX-Baking a cake

      Physical Change-A change in the size, shape, or state of matter that does not change the matters basic identity.
      EX-tearing a piece of paper

      Ashley Guy #4 3/18/13

    5. Solid- Solids always have definite shape and volume.
      However, their shape and volume may change due to the temperature, erosion, length of time ect.
      E.X.- Rocks, Wood, and Ice

      Liquid- Liquids has definite volume, but they have indefinite shape. They can also take the shape of a container. Certain kind of liquids may not always have defininte volume because of the evaporation. When they evaporate, the volume changes and it becomes indefinite volume.
      E.X.- Water, Milk, and Olive oil

      Gas- Gas has indefinite shape and volume. This state of matter can also take a shape of a container like liquids. Well it is possible that a gas can have definite shape if the container is closed with a top tightly so that no gas can escape. So it is possible sometimes that gas can be definite.
      E.X.- Air, Oxygen, and Heluim

      Chemical Change- When matter permanently changes the original matter.
      E.X.- The explosion of fireworks

      Physical Change- A change of a state of matter, size, and
      shape that does not change the same matter's character.
      E.X.- Shattering a piece of glass

      Meggie Nop #15 3-18-13

    6. Solid- Matter that has definite shape and volume. (ex.a box,rocks,etc.)

      Liquid- Matter that has an indefinite shape and a definite volume. It can take the shape of its container. (ex.water,juice,etc.)

      Gas- Matter that has an indefinite shape and volume. It can also take the shape of its container. (ex. oxygen,water vapor,etc.)

      Physical Change- A change in size, shape, or state of matter but doesn't change what it actually is. (ex. melting ice, breaking a pencil,etc.)

      Chemical Change- When a substance changes to a substance that is different from the original substance. (ex. cooking an egg,burning wood,etc.)

    7. solid- matter that has definite shape, size, and volume.

      liquid- matter that has definite volume and indefinite shape. It takes shape of its container.

      gas- matter that has indefinite shape, size, and volume. Like liquid gas takes the shape of its container.

      physical change- a change in size, shape, and its state of matter. Also it doesn't change its what it is.

      chemical change- when a substance changes from one substance into another substance. It isn't the same substance

    8. Solid-matter that has definite size and shape.
      Liquid-matter that has volume,but no fixed shape.
      Gas-matter that has no volume or fixed shape
      Physical Change-a change in size and shape,but does not change.
      Chemical Change-a change in matter that changes it forever.

    9. solids have definate volume and shape, liquid has definate volume and indefinate shape, gas has no definate shape or volume.
      Physical Change a change in size or shape
      Chemical Change a change in matter

      Adam L.

  2. Demeris Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Electricity: Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with. Try to give me something more than the definition.

    1. Electricity is the energy created by the movement of positive and negative. One way to make electricity work is by using an electric circuit. A circuit is a circle made of a power source (battery or outlet), a bulb, and some wires that let electricity through it. Sometimes, instead of using a piece of wire for the circuit, you could use a conducter. A cunducter is a thing that can let electricity move through it. An insalater does not let electricity move through it. Electricity also is a type of energy and can give energy.

    2. Electricity is the energy of positives and negatives. Sometimes the are involved in small circuits like with a battery, bulb, and wires. Other times the are in big circuits, like the circuits that light up all the lights in your house. If you had no electricity than you would have no light. When you are using a circuit you cannot turn on the light bulb if you have a insalator, but if you have a conductor it will work.

    3. Electricity surrounds us everywhere. It is a form of energy that results from the motion of charged particles like electrons. An example of energy would be like how we humans eat food to keep us moving and machines and gadgets need energy to keep them moving and going. There are many things that need electricity though. Some of them are toasters, microwaves, computers, house phones, lamps, and refridgerators. If we didn't have electricity these days, we would be living a lot differently.
      Overall, electricity is safe unless you do something to make something shock or burn you which can be dangerous.

    4. electricity has 2 charges known as negative and positive charges. circuits can be complicated but if u know how it works it is not hard. first you need something 2 start a circuit. for ex. battery or lemon with i think copper and nickel.also when the 2 metals touch each other they produce electricity a scientist misunderstood that a frog did not make electricity to power it itself. electricity is not light and isn't fast as light.

    5. Electricity is the form of energy resulting because of changed particles such as positive and negative charges. To make electricity you can make a circuit, you will need wires, a power source, and something that needs electricity. You have to make sure they all connect or the circuit is not complete and it will not work.

      Insulators are items that wont let electricity pass through.
      ex.wood, rubber

      Conductors are items that let electricity pass through them. and silver

      Electricity is very important and things can turn out bad if you mess with wire sand cords. so dont go around touching random things that you dont know what are for.

    6. Electricity is a big part of peoples lives. Houses run on electricity. Electricity is created by the movement of positive and negative charges. A circuit has to be a complete circle for electricity to work. You also have to have a power source like a battery. Then you also have to have something to connect the battery and the lightbulb (or whatever you want to have electricity) like wires. They can be big or small wires depending on what you want to give electricity to. That makes all the power run through the objects.

      Magnetism is a push or a pull between 2 magnets. Magnets can produce a magnetic field. Negative and positive attract and negative and negative repel. Positives and positives repel.

      Insulators are something that won't allow energy through, such as rubber, dry wood and glass.

      Conductors are something that will allow energy through, such as silver, gold ,copper, and aluminum.

    7. Electricity powers almost evry thing including this computer im using right now!! Magnetism is when two magnets either are connected with postives to negitive to connect them. Positives to Positives makes the repel and also negitive to negitive repels just like the postitives together.

      Conductors are like the conductors at the train station, they start the train up and it starts to move. Well, its like the same thing for conductors in electricity. Conductors allow energy to pass threw them and most metals do the job just fine....... A silver piece would work along with gold, aluminum,and other precious metals

      Circuts: Circuts are this that are NEEDED FOR THE ELECTRICITY TO PASS THREW to the light bulb or something else. wires can be connected to a battery which both of those wires would be connected to a light bulb or another piece of metal to make the circut longer.

      Insulators: These things keep the energy from passing threw the circut. a tire piece or rubber could not allow energy to keep flowing it would stop it completely, hence the name INSULATORS. A piece of chocolate, glass,wood chip,and paper towel would not let energy pass threw it so this circut would stop so you would need a conductore to keep it flowing along.

      I found some cool web sites too:

      I hope the websites work for you!!!

    8. electricity is made up of positives and negatives going together. Electricity powers most of the stuff we use today phones, computers, electric cars. a circuit is made of a wire with a positive on one side and a negative on the other. when the connect it is called a complete circuit. Electricity can provide transportation, communication, heat, light. A conductor is something that lets electricity pass through it easily, like metal, and wires. An insulator is something that does not let electricity pass through it easily like wood, plastic, and rubber. Electricity can be useful for a lot of things.

    9. Electricity cannot flow without a complete circuit. It can create heat and light energy. We use electricity for just about everything. A conductor lets electricity flow through easily and insulators make it harder for electricity to flow. Electricity has a negative and a positive charge. They release and continue the flow of electricity in a circuit. Without electricity i couldn't be typing this so its a big part of life

    10. Electricity is a type of energy used almost everywhere(lightbulbs,computers,TV's,video games,etc). If a circuit is stopped, electricity stops flowing. A conductor is an object that lets electricity flow through it. An insulator is an object that doesn't let electricity flow through it. Electricity produces heat, sound, and light energy. If you rub 2 things together for a while, it creates static electricity( your hair rubbed against a balloon). We need electricty to survive.

    11. Electricity is one of the many types of energy. It is used to power many things, but you must always have a closed circuit. Without a closed circuit, the energy that is produced by electricity won't be able to function properly. Also if you use electricity you must have as insulator. Without an insulator the energy will not be controlled and will not work. Things like wood and plastic are insulators that some people use. Another thing that helps electricity work is the exact opposite of an insulator is a conductor. This allows electricity to flow through it easily. Examples of conductors are: types of metal and water. Sometimes, people coat pieces of wire (conductor) in plastic (insulator) to prevent any mishaps that might occur. Electricity is a very important source of energy in our life, you need it for so many things that you don't even realize. Such as: electronics, lightbulbs, toasters, vacuum cleaners, and many more small things. Without electricity, it would be very hard to live the life we live in.

    12. Electricity is a form of energy. An electric circuit is a circle made of a power source (battery or outlet), a light bulb, and some wires, that lets electricity move through it.

      Conductors are something that lets electricity pass though it easily. Most metals are a conductor such as gold or aluminum. They are two of the many conductors in the world

      A conductor may work for a circuit but an insulator will not. An insulator is something that does not let electricity pass through easily such as wood, glass, straw, candle, knife, ruler, and plastic. If and insulator is in a circuit it will not flow.

      Electricity is created by the movement of positive and negative charges and without energy the wold would lose a lot of things like light bulbs and electronics. It would be a very different life.

    13. Electricity is the energy created by the movement of positive and negative charges.It is used in a lot of things, there are two ways to find out if that type of electricity is negative or positive. A negative source is called a insulator. A positive source is called a conductor. If you build a circuit board and the light bulb doesn't light up, it is a insulator, if it does light up, it is a conductor. Without electricity, life would be very stressful

    14. We need electricity for a lot of things. It is the is created by the flow of positive and negative charges. The only way for it to work is a circuit. It can be small or large, but it can still create electricity no matter what size. When you are using a circuit you need a conductor (wires), a light bulb and batteries. One of the wires will connect to the positive end of the battery and the other will connect to the negative end the other side of the wires will connect to the light bulb. That's how you make a small circuit.If one wire is not right, it wont work.

      A conductor is a piece of metal or aluminum that conducts the flow of electricity. A insulator is wood or plastic that will not help the flow of electricity.

  3. Juan's Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Light: Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with.

    1. This is paul choi and what i know about light is that light can be transparent and transulent and so on. Light can come from the sun which usually where it comes from and it can come from other things like a flashlight or a lamp. What i also konw about light is that light can pass through transparent things and can not pass through opaque things. I am happy that i got to write about this subject and Light is intersting to me. That is what i know about light.

    2. Light reflects of mirrors and refracts (bends) in some thing like a camera lens or eye glasses. light is absorbed threw some thing like a black t-shirt. Translucent means that some of the light is obsorbed and some is refracted. For example if you hold up a peace of wax paper it is translucent. Transparent means that your object is totally see through. For example of transparent is a glass cup you can see all of the way threw it.

    3. I know that light can be transmitted, refracted through water, reflected off of mirrors and also absorbed. Light passes directly through transparent things like glass. If light can only part way get through an object like a frosted glass it is translucent light can not pass through opaque like a door. light can give you vitamin D. lLight runs the water cycle and is necessary for plants to grown. We cannot see all the waves of light, others are invisible to us.

    4. I know that light can be Reflected,refracted,and transparent.I also know that light can be created by many things like: the sun,lamps,flashlites,fire,and lightning are just a few.I just remembered that light is made up of multi colored rayes.Finally light can be obsorbed better by black shirts than white shirts.

    5. Light is a source of energy from the sun. its can be reflected by mirrors. It can not go thrugh opaque objects . it can also be translucent like if you hold a piece of wax paper up to the light the light will not go through the paper fuly. Also it an be transperant which means it can go through and object fully. well thats it.

    6. Light is a form of energy that can be reflected,refracted,transparent,and translucent. Light refracts to water. Light that reflects you can see you self. Light that's transparent yo can see throw. Light that is translucent you can not see throw.

    7. Light is a major source of energy that gets its power from the sun. If something is translucent it is almost clear but not quitethat means the light acan almost go threw it . If something is transparent then it is totally see threwlight can go threw it . If something refracts light it will make light bend. If something reflects light the light wil bounce back. If something is opaque that means it is not see threw at allan light will not go threw it. Thats all folks.

    8. Light is a type of energy. It can be bent,transparent, transluctant, or bounced back. An example of light bieng bounced off is when you walk by a uilding and the sun is shining at the building and it bounces off and shines in your face. Another example is of light bieng translucent and it is when you are looking through a foggy window and you can see, but it is not clear.

  4. Coolidge Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Force and Motion.Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with. You might want to look at your journals to jog your memory.

    1. Force is when you make an object move. Like when you push your bike up a hill. Motion is when something is moving. Like a boat motor moves in a motion because it spins.

    2. Force and Motion - There are a couple words that go along with the topic Force and Motion. Some of them are:
      Work- the amount of energy transfered by a force ( a push or pull )
      Friction- force created when two objects rub together
      Inertia- the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion
      Kinetic Energy- The energy of moving objects
      Potential Energy- Stored energy
      A good example of kinetic energy is a wrecking ball. When it swings back and forth while it is at it's highest point it has potential energy. When it is swinging it has kinetic energy. A good example of work is when you are opening a door. You either push or pull.

    3. The definition of force is a push or pull between two objects (EX: When you push a magnet together but you put both positive sides together they will repeal.) The definition of motion is when something moves such as tumbleweed in the wind. A lot of things fall into the category of force and motion, such as potential and kinetic energy. Other things include work, friction and inertia. This is my explanation of force and motion.

    4. Here is an example of work,so say that your car broke down,what will you do?Well, I will push the car,that is called work.When you are driving a car and you want to revers you PULL the gear shift back. Here is an example of motion,when you are lifting weights you are in motion,your body is moving

    5. An example of work could be a swing's chains swinging whoever is on it with his or her kinetic energy ( cu's you see , work is the pull or the push of a moving objects). Also , the work that the chains are making is producing motion in the swing's seat.

      The resources? Vocab's cards and the little gooey thing that's stuck in my skull ( I think it was called a brain , or something like that , right ? ) X_O

    6. Force is when you are pushing something upwards. Potential energy is when you are at the top of a roller coaster. Kinetic energy is when you are going down a roller coaster. Motion is when something moves from spot to another spot. Those were the definitions of force and potentioal energy and kinetic energy and motion.

    7. I have a few definitions. Friction: A force that works against another force. Force: A push or pull. Inertia: The tendency of an object to keep moving.

    8. Potential energy is something is still or frozen, like ice cube I guess you could say.Potential energy is storing energy and saving it for when it becomes kinetic energy.Kinetic energy is when the object,or you,is moving like the pendelum of a grand father clock.Kinetic energy is moving energy or using the potential energy.An example of kinetic and potential energy is a skydiver. He is saving energy,potential energy, by going up in the plane.By diving he is using kinetic energy.

    9. potential energy is stored energy, either over a lond period of time or a short period of time. kinetic energy is when the object is in motion. for example a swing (after it has been push)is in the air. it pauses to gain energy then it goes back down. it will eventually stop if there is no more applyed force.

    10. Force- Push or pull
      Potential Energy- Energy that is stored
      Kinetic Energy- Energy that is in motion
      Inertia- The tendency of an object to keep in motion
      Motion- Movement

    11. Force is a push or a pull. Motion is when somthing moves. Potenial energy is stored energy that becomes kinetic energy when the stored energy is released. Inertia is the tendancy of an object to resist a chane in motion.

    12. potential and kinetic energy is like when mining. you charge your swing is potential energy and your swing in motion is kinetic energy.

    13. Force is a push or pull. A example of force and motion is kinetic energy and potenital energy. When you are pulling a rubber band back with your finger it gives potential energy. When you let go that is kinetic energy. Potential energy is a stored energy and kinetic energy is relesed energy. Motion is a kind of movement.

    14. force is a push or pull. it occurs whenever somithing forces it to move such as work,kinetic energy, or potential energy

  5. White Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Solar System. Don't just tell me the planets. Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with (rotation, revolution etc).

    1. Rotation is a spin around something and revolution is an object going around something. The moon revolves around the Earth every 28 days. The earth rotates once on its axis every 24 hours and revolves around the sun every 365 1/4 days. Solar system contains 8 planets. There are 4 inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars). There also 4 outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) which are also called the gas giants.

    2. Revolution is the movement around something. Rotation is the spinning of an object on it's axis. The Moon revolves around the Earth. Just as the Earth revolves around the sun. The rotation of the Earth causes the seasons. The revolution of the moon controls the tides. Another thing to know is that all Planets rotate around one object, the Sun. That is what I know about rotation and revolution.

    3. Rotation and revolution are two completly diffrent things that I had NO trouble at all on. A revoulution is where something moves around something, lie the Earth revolves around the sun or the Moon revolves around the Earth. A Rotation is a spin like the Earth rotates on its axis. The rotation of the Earth causes all the seasons. When the Earth rotates on its axis the nothern hemisphere could start in winter and then turn turn into spring. The Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours, revolves around the sun every 365 1/4
      dyas. Earths layers are really inportant, they help us understand what are Earth is made up of and what substances fell firt to create our Earth.Our middle part is called the inner core and how I remember that is that it is in the inside. The next layer is called the outer core, and how I remember that is the inner core is inside so when you open the inner core to go OUTSIDE you get the outer core. The next part is the mantle, I dont really have a rememberence of this layer so I just think of the weirdest name of the ayers wich is the mantle. The last but not least is the crust and how I remember that is, on bread there is crust and the crust is on the outside just like on Earth.

    4. Revolution is when its spinning AROUND something and rotation is when its just spinning on its axis. For revolution the earth rotates around the sun as well as all the other planets.The earth spins on its axis every 24 hours. When the Earth rotates it causes all seasons to start and change.In all there are 8 planets,Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune. The first four are the inner planets and the last four are the outer planets.All the layers of Earth (from inside to out) are Inner core,Outer core,Mantle and crust.:)

    5. sorry I don"t know what happend with the spacing on my comment:(

    6. 4 inner planets: Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars
      4 outer planets: Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune
      When the earth spins on its axixs it causes night and day it also causes seasons to change and start.
      Earths layers; Mantel,crust,inner core,outer core,
      planets in oreder: Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars, Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune
      Rotation:to spin or turn
      The earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth.
      The sun is also a medium sized star
      Revolution: to turn or spin around something
      revolution: to spin around something.
      the solar syatem has 4 dwarf planets the solar system is 4.6 billion years old!

    7. The Earth revolves around the the sun. The tilt of Earths axis is the cause of seasons. When the Northern Hemisphere is the ferthest away from the sun it is the start of winter and for the Southern Hemisphere it is summer. When the Northern Hemisphere is the closest to the sun it is the start of a very very hot summer and the Southern Hemisphere it is the winter. The Earth revolves around the sun every 365 day and 1/4. We add the 1/4 because leap year.

    8. List for Solar System Facts:
      1. The planets travel in an ELLIPTICAL path, NOT a circular path.
      2. The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter.
      3. The 4 inner planets consist of rock and metal.
      4. The 4 outer planets consist of gas, such as helium and methane.
      5. Mercury is .4 AU away from the sun, and Venus is .7 AU away.
      6. Earth is 1 AU from the sun, and Mars is 1.5 AU away.
      7. Jupiter is 5.2 AU away from the sun, and Saturn is 9.5 AU away.
      8. Uranus is 19.6 AU away from the sun. Neptune is 30 AU away.
      9. Mercury has no moons. Venus has no moons. Earth has 1 moon, Luna.
      10. Mars has 2 moons, Deimos and Phobos. Jupiter has 67 moons.
      11. Saturn has 62 moons, and Uranus has 27 moons.
      12. Neptune has 13 moons.

    9. The solar system is a very large topic so i'm just going to try to sum it up for you! Let's just focus on the Earth right now. First, the Earth spins on it's axis and if you counted the time for the Earth to spin all the way around once, it would take 1 whole day. (24 hours.) While the Earth is spinning, it also goes around the son. 1 time around is 1 whole year, and is called a revolution. the way I remember this is 1 revolution takes a lot longer than 1 rotation; the word revoltion takes longr to right than rotation. (count the letters and tell me I'm wrong). That's just a quick tip!

    10. Revoluction is the spin of the Earth around the sun. and rotation is the spin of the Earth between day and night. The milky way is a HUGE spiral of stars that could possibly all be different universes or could just be a big thing of stars.

    11. The solar system is made up of all the planets, the Sun, and the meteoroids in this area of space. There are 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), dwarf planets such as Pluto, and all the moons. The rotation of the Earth give us day and night, the Earths revolution gives us the seasons and the year, the moons rotation gives us the phases of the moon, and the moons revolution gives us months.

    12. Hey guys, I am just going to give out some vocab:
      Rotaion- a spinning movement that an object makes on one point
      (ex. the earth rotates on its axis)
      Revolution- a movement of one object around another
      (ex. the earth revolves around the sun)
      Axis- an imaginary line that goes through planets

      Here are some facts:
      -Our solar system is over 5 billion years old
      -There are over 170 moons inour solar system
      -scientists have superheated a gas to about 3.6 billion degrees farenhiet
      -if you drove in a car to Pluto at 60mph it would take 7,000 years to get there

    13. Learn more at:

    14. The phases of the moon are caused by the shadow of the Earth falling on the moon. so that the side of the moon facing towards us receives no direct sunlight, and is lit only by dim sunlight reflected from the Earth. As it moves around the Earth, the side we can see gradually becomes more illuminated by direct sunlight.

    15. The solar system has 8 planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
      Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
      Outer Planes: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
      The Earth spins around its axis once a day
      The Earth revolves around the Sun once every 365 days
      No planet looks the same
      The Earths revolution creates the seasons
      There is NO gravity in the solar system
      Your weight changes but your volume does not
      It formed about 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud
      There is an asteroid belt in between Mars and Jupiter

    16. I am just give out some vocab and some facts. Rotation is when something turns on it's axis. Remember the little circulation with ours fingers. :D Revolution is when the earth goes around the sun. Remember the finger/hand going around our head. The axis is an imaginary line through the earth. The earth seasons are created by the earths revolution, earth's tilt and how the sun hits the earth. The sun takes 365 1/4 days to get around the sun (year). The earth takes 24 hours to turn all the way on the axis. And the moon takes 28 days to get around the earth. The moon has phases by the light of the sun and how it hits it.

      I found this website. Really good.

    17. Well we all know that a rotation is like when earth rotates around its axis. A revolution is when an object spins around another object. I had trouble understanding the differences with a rotation and a revolution. Now a season is when the sun’s rays directly hit one of the hemispheres. If the sun hits on the north hemisphere it would be summer and the south hemisphere season would be winter. It also takes about 24 hours for the Earth to go around its axis. It also takes about 365 days for the sun to rotate around the sun. We all should know that if you were to go to the moon you would be lighter than you are right now. Some random facts, the sun is a big ball of gas. We really have 9 planets, and Earth is the only planet that has life on it. That’s it!

  6. A solid is a object a liquid is a glass of water a gas is like water vapor.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. space 8 planets pluto is a dwarf planet which is not a planet anymore
    there are mercury,venus,earth,mars,jupiter,saturn,uranus,neptune. the earth revolves around the axis in 365 1/4 days. there is big diffrence about
    the planets like earth is where life is and jupiter is just a hot gasey
    planet .and in the saturn in its ring are asteroids the earth is 71% water and the closer the planets are the more the sunlight they get.
