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Friday, October 12, 2012

It is not all fun and games!

This week's blog homework will be kind of fun!  You are to play one of our games and then comment your opinion of it and how it is helpful.  You can get bonus points if you find a science game of your own and post the link!

We have so much going on this week so sometimes we need to remember science is FUN!

If you can't log in then please write your answer on a paper and bring it to class. 
Triple beam balance
States of matter
Mixtures and Solutions

Have Fun!


  1. I went on the magnetic website and i thought it was very helpful because it told helped me by telling me how to tell if something is atracted to magnets of how to atractt objects. I really liked it!I found a website on bbc homes called solids and liquids. Cool. It helps.

    1. Well I went on electricity and I thought that it was helpful because it helps you to learn whether or not something is an insulator or not. A website I found was primary

    2. I had 2 favorites I like the Electricity and Magnet. The Magnet one help me realized that it matters how strong your magnet is and that is matters what kind and the north side and south side are important.The Electricity on help me realized that metal lets electricity through easily and how to make a circt

    3. Electricity game was fun it tought what electricity goes through

    4. The electricity game was fun it taught me more about insulators and conductors.

  2. I went on a electricity website called BBC Homes and the game was called Bitesize Science. It was a fun game it was about electrical conductors the narrator was going into water with electric eels and he needed to find clothing that if he got shocked it would not kill him. I loved that website it will help alot.

  3. I played the electricity game it was very fun and it taught me a little more on electricity. I also liked the part where you had to build a circut with wire a light bulb and the key. It was also very fun where you had to test out all the outfits to see which one was a conducter. At the end you pick out a outfit that would be a good insulator and after that you go to the water and learn stuff on eels.

    1. I played the electricity game it was interesting and it taught me more about insulators and conductors I liked the part when you had to build a circuit and test the materials to find out wich ones were insulators and conductors then I got to pick the best insulator for the man to wear in the water and not get shocked

    2. I also liked the electricity game because it teaches us what an insulator and a conductor is. I like the part where you had see which clothing would be a good insulator so he wouldn't get shocked by the eels. There was also one part that you have to light the light bulb with a battery and some wires like we did in science class too. When I put the key in the part where it had to go, it was an insulator because the light bulb lit up. It's like what we did in science class where we had to identify all the items if it was an insulator or a conductor. To tell that, the light bulb would light up. Here is a website that I found about all about science.
      I put the login because you need a login for it in order to get in.

    3. I also played this game
      I LOVED it , now if I ever whent there I would no what to wear..
      I taught me cool things about electricty like rubber is an insulator and cotton is too.
      this reminds me of the website mrs.Charles showed us on putting the key,eraser,and batter
      I LOVED that one too.

    4. I played the electricity game. It showed some objects that are good insulators and conductors. It also showed how to make a circuit.

    5. The magnet game showed how the magnets reacted to each other.

    6. I agree with you Carolina. I also played the electricity game. I thought it was really fun. It taught my really interesting things like rubber and cotton is an insulator. It reminded me of the time when we made an electricity circuit in Mrs. Charles blog. I really liked that experiment. If you were here at third grade you would've studied this at the end of the year. I also found this really cool game at bbc, . It reviews the three states of matter and how a solid can change into a liquid and a liquid can change into a gas. Its where the narrator is at Alaska and he has to survive with some water. First you get ice, melt it , clean it then drink it. I think you should try it out.

    7. I do too and all the games are fun and helpful at the same time but to me the electricity game was the best because it helps you know what a insulator and a conductor really is and makes it alot better to understand!

    8. I also liked the electricity game. It taught you all about conductors and insulators. I liked how it had all sorts of activities that you could try. You could go to this if you forgot them, too!

  4. I chose the electricity game. The game teaches you how to build a circuit and indentify which materials conduct and do not conduct electricity. Then, it tells you some really interesting facts about electric eels.The cotton does not conduct electricity, same as the rubber, and the metal does conduct electricity.

  5. I played the triple beam balance game. I think it helped teach me how to better read a triple beam balance. It showed all the parts of a triple beam balance and it showed how to read one. I thought it was a very useful source.

    1. I played that too

    2. I played that game too. It was very useful if you wanted to know how to read a triple beam balance because it teaches how to read one.

  6. I went on the triple beam balance website and it was helpful because you got to put weights on the scale and put how much it weighed in the answer box. Then it told you if you were right.

  7. i went to the magnets website and i think it hep me by you have to use stronger magnets to get a mangnetic objects then the non magnetic object

  8. The electricity game was helpful because it teaches you what conducts electricity and what doesnt conducts electricity.

  9. I thought the electricity game was a good game and it told you about some things that are conductors a insulators . Than was my favorite game. It helped me because You could drag the battery the wires and the key to make a circuit.

    1. I agree. It was the funnest game there! But It didn't focus on insulators much... You sure?

  10. I played Electicty and thought that it was helpful by teaching you what types of matrial counducts Electrity and how you can use them

  11. I went on the electricity website. I liked it and it taught me about electrical circuts, insulators, and conductors. I found a website with activities that teach you a lot of stuff.

    Notice how I said activities.

  12. I went on the electricity game I thought it was helpful because it helped me know which things were good conducters and insulators. For example they wanted to find out which outfit the man should wear with the eels between cotten, metal and rubber.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sorry typological error. I played electricity and learned that rubber does not conduct electricity. A website to try is

  15. I think the electricity game was helpful because it showed me great information about insulators and conductors. I also learned cotton and rubber do not conduct electricity.

  16. I played all the games and my top 3 are Magnets, Electrical Conductors, and Mixtures/Solution. Magnets gave me an idea of which magnets attract or repel what. Plus, it was fun. I liked Electrical Conductors because it gave me an idea of which objects are conductors or insulators. It was also fun seeing which objects are mixtures and solutions.
    Different Site:

  17. I liked the STates of Matter game because i liked how it shows you how the picture and how you can have fun on it and you can learn

  18. The Electricity game is fun! I like how you get to make circuits. The Triple beam balance game is also fun. You get to learn how to use a triple beam balance, and you measure objects. Also, I have made a homework site for people that forgot their homework. The site currently has homework for Mrs. Juans's class, Dr.Coolidge's class, and Mrs.Charles' class. The homework was fun!

    1. BTW the URL is "" Sorry if i'm getting a little off topic...

    2. Just wondering... What did you like?

  19. I also liked Triple Beam Balance. You got to measure the mass and it gave you info about it also.

  20. i played the triple beam balance and it was a challange in a good way!

    1. I think the electricity game is more fun than the triple beam balance.

    2. Because you get to conduct electricity and other stuff!

    3. me to I thought the electricity game was really fun

  21. My favorite game was the electricity one. I got to know what was a conductor and a insulator.

  22. I think the games were way too short but i could enjoy the Electricity game but i think that the magnets game was really bad.

    1. I agree. The games were a little short... But I haven't played the magnet game. So I played some other games. If you haven't you should try playing them!

  23. I think I liked the electricity game the best, but the triple beam balance was telling you about it and what it does.

    1. I agree on the electricity game because you got to make the light out of a key,bulb,battery and some wires. It was awesome

  24. The electricity game was fun and helpful because they showed us how to conduct electricity. Also I learned that cotton and rubber are insulators and metal is a conductor. Also Jake I only played the electricity game.

  25. The games were very short. I did the triple balance and the ell electricity games. I liked the ell electricity game more because it was more interesting to me. Also it was a lot more specific.

    1. I totally agree but whats ELL?

    2. I think it is ell. like the one that swims in the water... Electric ell.

  26. I thought the magnet game was really fun.It shows you what is strong enough to ssay for example a gold magnet. I love how it actually lets you do it and its not like a boring slide! really cool I watched about chemical enginers.

    1. Be sure to check it out. Sorry for my spelling and capilitazation errors

  27. i used Quarked to get better at electricity and stuff like that

  28. i did magnet games it dose help

  29. I think the triple beam balance helps with science and math.


  30. I thought the electricity game was awesome because it showed what made electricity go through and what couldn't and the way to light a light bulb

  31. I liked the electricity one because you got to see witch suit conducts electricity and the suit I got was that the rubber suit does not conduct electricity

  32. I thought the electricity game was fun beacuse you got to make a circit,see which materal would conduct electrisity,and find some cool facts about electic eels!!I also learned that some materials don't conduct electrisity!

  33. I did the magnets website and I liked it a lot because it teached us about using magnets and how to make them attract to each other.

  34. Ithougt the eletricity game was fun beacuse it taugt me how eletricty conducters conduct th eletricty and it also tauht me that not all subtances or matter are conducrers.ialso found a cool website called Kids Korner-conduters and insolaterts.

    1. I liked the electricity and the magnet one.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I did the electrical game it was fun because I had to make circuits and see what conduct electricity and what doesn't.

  36. I thought that the you had to think about the triple beam balance game.The games were pretty challenging,but fun.

  37. i liked the magnet game it was fun it helped me learn of oppesites attract and how negitaves come apart

  38. the eletricity game helped me se that cotton is not a good insulator if you get it wet

  39. I think the magnet one was good cause it told me alot of good stuff

  40. I played the Triple Beam Balance game. I thought it was pretty fun. I learned and practiced that you can measure mass in grams of weight and how to use a balance scale. I also learned how to use graduations and add together to get total mass.

    1. I played state of matter. I learned that with a rise in temperature the molecules start as a solid and they are barely moving and organized. As a liquid, and temperature is hotter, the molecules are farther apart and moving faster. As a gas, temperature is hottest and the molecules moves very fast and farthest apart.

  41. I played the electricity game. In this game you had to build what we built in class and test and see which one of these materials is the best insulator. The materials where cotton, metal, and rubber play this game to see which one you will pick.

  42. I also just played the triple beam balance game I liked the game because I love using the triple beam balance. This game is helpful for if you ever have to use one in life you know how because of your childhood.

    1. I played this to I think it was helpful as well it was great and fun.

  43. I did electricity,and magnets.I thought that electricity was helpful because it took you through the steps,and what was to be done.I thought that magnets were good to use because it was more fun having a game using the South,and North poles of the magnets to help you beat the thief.

  44. I electricity game. It teaches you how to make a complete circut and what is a conductor and what is a insulator.

  45. I played the electricity game.

  46. I did Magnets and I thought it was very helpful because it taught you that opposite poles attract. You couldn't pass the level if you didn't put that right magnets in place. I also played electricity and it helped you know that if you didn't have a complete circle circuit the light wouldn't light up. I really liked this website it really help me understand better.

    1. I agree with Elise,(although i didn't play the magnet one), the electricity game was helpful. I liked how you had to make your own circut, then test the matirials. It also had helpful little facts along the way. I would probably play thi game again just for the fun of it! (Mrs. Charles, we should have homework like this again!) :D

  47. i played the electricity one it was helpful it shows how ir works topic eel with electricity and try to find one that is not a source of power to the bulb so you wont get electrecuted.

  48. i played all the games but i liked the magnet game the best because it helped you unnder stand that magnets repel each other when it is the same direction. it helped me learn alot about magnets. this homework was awesome :D

  49. I went on the magnets site and it tells how magnets attract and repel and tell if you need a strong magnet or a weak one.

    1. I agree. I played the magnet game to. M.I.spy.

  50. I played mixtures & solutions I liked it I had to say if somthing was a miture or solution & if I got it rong it corrected mi.So I think that it helpt correct my mestacs & helpt me learn mixturs and solutions.

  51. i played the triple beam balance game it taught you what and how the parts of it work. And how to weigh stuff on the triple beam balance.

  52. I did the Electricity one. I thought it helped because it reminded you about circuits and what conducts and what doesn't

  53. I played the mixture game and it was very complecated. I had no idea how to play the game. It helped me in know way

  54. I played the magnet game and it was awesome.School+spy=M.I.spy.

  55. I found the game Mrs.Charles had with the blocks

  56. i found the circuit one to.

  57. i played the electricity game and you find the clothing he needs to wear

  58. I played all the games but my favorite was the magnet one. I learned that you have to have a certain size magnet to move a certain size object.

  59. I played the mixtures game. I found it helpfulbecause it helped you find the properties of certain matter

  60. I went to the on electrical conduct it was a lot of fun but you also learned a lot i learned what type of things keep out electricity and what don't. the 2 that i really wanted to go to you had to have a plug in.

  61. I played the electricity game and it was fun i liked when you had to make the circut and at the end of the game when you had to choose witch would not hurt you if you got shocked by an electric eal.

  62. I went on to the electricity game. It helped me by really understand what a insolator and a cunductor really are. Also I loved how you got to pick what kind of clothing and other stuff.

  63. I did all the games, I liked the magnet game because you have to mix the magnets to get that object to connect.

    1. Me to you also got to use a magnet to save a item around the school.

  64. I played the electricity game and it helped me understand it in a fun way I enjoyed it

    1. so did I..
      I loved it it explained good insulators and conductors

  65. this somthing that helped me understand a little more..
    also on this is the vary same website that the game with the key and eraser game mrs.Charles showed us!
    though, it might not help you maybe it will

  66. on that page if you scroll down you can take the quiz it says play by quiz heres the adress for just that part its an easy test..but maybe it can be a little tough

  67. i did magnets it was a helpful resource - it showed the magnetic field and how it works - it was a fun game .

  68. i went on the electricity web site and i thing it is helpful because it teaches you about conductors and insulators.

    1. Its kinda lame if you know its programmed that way

  69. I loved the manget game it took my a cople tres & I like the electricity game they where FUN!

  70. I played all of the games. The electricity was my favorite game. I learned about conductors and insulators. But my favorite part was making the circuit and testing the clothes.

  71. I thought that the elecricity game was the funnist. I learned a lot about insolaters and conductors.

  72. FYI my site now has one password. Username:rcefifth Password:homework Anyway, I didn't like the magnet game. On the second robbery, I couldn't get any of the magnets to work. I tried every one... I don't know if I am doing something wrong. But, if so can someone please tell me...

  73. I liked the electricity game because it taught you about the conductors, and good insulators to not conduct electricity with the wires.

  74. I played 3 games, all of them really FUN!!!! The first one I played was States of Matter and you had to click solid, liquid or gas to see how closely packed or however freely the molecules of each state were. The second game I played was Electricity and you had to make a light bulb light up by completing the circuit. You also had to find a good insulative outfit for the guy on Deadly 60 (I love that show!) so that he could go swimming with electric eels. The third game was Magnets. YOu had to pretend to be an agent and use magnets to get sandals, something golden, and a vase in a glass case (the vase in the glass case was the most fun).

  75. my favorite game was electricity because it was fun to make the circuit! It was also cool how it gave you facts about eels

  76. found this website. On google type in 5th grade science games

  77. To me the electricity game was easy because I already know kind of alot about insulators and conductors.

  78. I played the electricity game. It was really fun and learned alot about conducers and insalaters which I did not really get conducters and insalatures but now I am 100 percent sure I know what they are. This should be the homework for every week bescause it makes you learn alot about the things that you are confused about. These web sites are realyy helpful and so is this:
    www.arcidemicskillbuilders I would of done more butthat is all I can think about. If I think about anything new then i will be sure to reply on this hotot for more!! :):):):):)

  79. I liked the electricity game because it was fun and it helps us learn about insulators and conductors more. The website I found is

  80. I liked the magnet game because it was cool to be a secret agent using magnets. :)

  81. I played the electricity game and it showed me what items were like. Like a conductor or an insulator.I also loved making the circuit!!!

  82. I also did the magnet one. I know what attracts and repels

  83. I played the electricity game and i liked how it tough you what insolators and conductors and how to build a circuit

  84. I think that despite the accents, the magnets game was cool :)

  85. My favorite was magnet and electricity because on the magnet one you were learning about the different types of magnets and how to attract them or repel and on the electricity you got to learn how to make a circuit and which types of materials are conductable and unconductable for electricity

  86. The eclectricity game was fun cause i did not know that rubber bloked electricity

  87. I played the States of Matter game and it was very interesting because they included how they move around an a picture that is in cartoon form. i loved it! can we do it again?

  88. I went on the matter and electricity websites. I liked them both because you get to see how and what the magnets and electricity work. I also liked that in the electricity game you got to put the pieces in to make the light bulb work and learned about circuits.

  89. I played the electricity game and earnd that cotten, when wet is a bad incelator. The game was interactive, so I was involved. It talked about circits, conductors, and incelators alot
