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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Review Time Take 2


We are almost to our long weekend! YIPPEE! Since it getting close to the Science STAAR,  we will be reviewing different sections that we have previously learned.  This is your time to show what you know!  This week will look just like last week.  You will respond under your class homeroom  because each class will have a different topic. Don't just add to the bottom but instead click reply so your answers line up under your homeroom.  You did great last week so do it exactly like that!

Charles: Energy (include types and how they transfer) Think of all the types: thermal, light, solar, electrical, sound
Demeris: Classifying matter:  What are the properties we use and how can we tell if a particular matter has those properties (Look in your science journal)
Juan: Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition: What is it and give examples of each.  Try to find different examples than someone who commented before you.
Coolidge: Weather and reading the fronts. Give examples of weather that occurs as the fronts pass an area.  Try to find real life examples. (not just severe weather)
White: Resources: renewable and non renewable, fossil fuels, Include alternative energy sources as well.  (Geothermal, wind, water, etc) Why should the world move toward renewable energy sources?


  1. Charles Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Energy (include types and how they transfer) Think of all the types: thermal, light, solar, electrical, sound
    Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with.

    1. Thermal energy- Heat EX- fire
      Light energy- light EX- light bulb lighting up
      Solar energy- energy that coms from the sun EX- solar panel
      Electrical energy- electicity EX- thing that makes light bulb light up
      Sound energy- noise Ex- Music

      Energy also flows through food chains as something eats somthing else.

    2. thermal energy-is souse of heat ex fire
      light energy - light ex a reading lamp
      solar energy - is energy that comes from the sun ex solar panels
      electric energy - electricity ex lightning
      sound energy - music ex noise

    3. Thermal energy- Heat ex: fire
      Light energy- light ex: sun
      Solar energy- energy that comes from the sun ex: solar panels
      Electrical energy- electricity ex: plug
      Sound energy- noise or sounds ex: music
      Mechanical energy- motion or force ex: riding a bike

    4. Thermal energy- source of heat such as fire.
      Light energy- light such as a lamp.
      Solar energy- Radiant energy from the sun ex photosynthesis.
      Electricsl energy- Energy that is avalible through a conducter ex electric car.
      Sound energy- noise ex. your voice.

    5. Thermal energy- source of heat ex: fire
      LIght energy- light ex: candle and lamp
      Solar energy- energy that comes from the sun ex: solar panels
      Electrical energy- energy that is available through a conductor ex: electricity in our homes
      Sound energy - noise or something you can hear ex: music,your voice, and any kind of sound

    6. Thermal energy- A source of heat (ex. fire,etc.).
      Light energy - Light (ex. light bulb,sun,etc.).
      Solar energy- Energy that comes from the sun (ex. solar panels, etc.).
      Electrical energy- Energy from electricity (ex. battery, etc.).
      Sound energy- A noise or sound (ex. talking, music, etc.)
      Mechanical energy- Potential and kinetic energy and a kind of force (ex. roller coaster, etc.).

    7. Thermal enrgy allows you to see the heat coming off a person.
      Light energy gives you light to see.
      Solar energy is a cleaner source of energy.
      Eletrical energy is what powers your house.
      Sound energy allows you to listen to music.
      Mechanical energy allows you to drive your car.

    8. Thermal energy- Heat EX- fire
      Light energy- light EX- light bulb
      Solar energy- energy that coms from the sun EX- solar panel
      Electrical energy- electicity EX- TV turning on
      Sound energy- noise Ex- Motor Noise

    9. soaler eneger/ engery from the sun/sun
      light energy/ light/bulb
      thermal energy/ a source of aome heat/fire
      eletriacal energy/ energy from eletrycity/battwery
      mechanical energy/ a kind of forvce like kinect or potenial energy/rooler coaster
      sound energy/ a sound or noise/music

    10. Thermal energy:heat ,that also is fire.
      Light energy:light, that is also the sun.
      Solar energy:light from the sun,that is also a plant.
      Electrical energy:needs electricity , that is an outlet.
      Mechanical energy:motion or force,that is also swimming.
      Sound energy:noise or different sounds,that is also your voice.

    11. Thermal energy- Sorce of heat
      Example: Fire, heater

      Light energy-light/something bright
      Example:Light bulb, sun

      Solar energy- An energy that comes from the sun
      Example: Solar panels, solar powered calculator

      Electrical energy- Energy that comes form electricity
      Example: Electric pole, electric golf cart

      Sound energy- A sound/ something that can be heard
      Example: Music, someone speaking

      Mechanical energy- Soemthing that moves/motion
      Example: Rotation of the Earth, a rolling object

  2. Demeris Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Classifying matter: What are the properties we use and how can we tell if a particular matter has those properties (Look in your science journal)
    Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with. Try to give me something more than the definition.

    1. To start off, matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space. The properties we use to classify matter is mass, magnetism, physical state, relitive density, solubility and the ability to conduct or insulate thermal or electric energy. The states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. When matter changes from one state to another state it is called a phase change.

    2. Matter is a substance that has mass and takes up space.The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. A solid is an object in which all the molecules are packed together tightly. A solid cannot change its shape by itself. Liquid molecules are spread apart. When you pour a liquid into a bowl it takes the shape of the bowl. Gas molecules are together in groups of two or three but the groups are so far apart, you cant see gas. That's why its invisible. A Phase change is when matter changes from one state, to another.

    3. Matter is any thing that has mass and takes up space. There are three states of matter: Solid, liquid, and gas. A solid is a substance that is tightly packed. A liquid is any sustance that takes the shape of a container. A gas fills the air and its molcules are spread far apart.Gas is something that you can not see. These all make up matter.

    4. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.
      Solid: Has a definite volume and definate shape (tightly packed)
      Liquid: Has definite volume and indefinite shape (not as tight they move some)
      Gas: Has indefinite volume and indefinite shape (they are moving all the time they are loosly packed)

    5. Gatter is anything that has mass and takes up space. The 3 states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

      A solid has definite shape and a definite volume. It is tightly compacted and the molecules are all touching.
      A liquid has an definite volume and an indefinite shape. They can slide past each other a little.
      A gas has an indefinite volume and an indefinite shape. They move very fast and they are always sliding past each other.

      You can classify matter in hard, soft, rough, magnetism.

      A physical change with matter is a change that you can still classify it with the same physical properties.(ripping a piece of paper)
      A chemical change is when when you change an object and the physical properties change and you can't change it back.(popping popcorn)

    6. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. We can classify matter by their physical properties, like its magnetism, texture, odor, etc. There are also three kinds of matter: solids, which have a definite shape and volume; liquids, which have an indefinite shape and a definite volume; gas which has an indefinite shape and volume.

    7. Matter is everywhere!your car, matter.Your shoes,matter.A square watermelon........matter.Matter has its properties,solid, liquid,& gas.Solid is, well, solid! It doesnt change form unless it is done physically, like is solid because it has its own shape and wont change unless they cut it.Liquids on the other hand, don´t have their own shape, an example is water. You pour it in a cup and it takes the cups shape, you put it loose in a flat surface it just, well, takes a flat form.Gas is most likeley known as water vapor which happens when you heat water at 100 degrees farenheith.

    8. First of all, matter is anything that takes up space. the three states of matter are solid,liquid,and gas.A solid is an object that keeps one shape and all the particles are packed together.A liquid is a substance that takes up any form of it,s container, the particles move a bit more freely.A gas is a substance that you can not see, the particles move a lot more freely than a solid and a liquid. Matter is used everywhere.A few examples are the air that we breath,the water that we drink, and the desk you sit in at school

    9. Matter is every where you look. There is 3 properties of matter solid, liquid, and gas.

      A solid is a bunch of molecules packed together and can not move very freely. For example ... rock, metal, glass, wood, plastic, and rubber. There are many other things in the world the are a solid. We are surrounded bye all of them in the world.

      A liquid is a bunch of molecules that have more room and space for the molecules to move around. An example of a liquid is ... water and soda. A liquid is most things that we drink and it is everywhere in the world.

      A gas is a bunch of molecules that are more spaced than a liquid or solid.An example of gas is ... the air we breathe and smoke in the air. There are many other gases in the world.

      These 3 types of properties in matter.

    10. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. The three main states of matter are solid,liquid,and gas. A solid is an object has a definite shape and volume(molecules are tightly packed together). An example of a solid is ice. A liquid is something that has an indefinite shape and a definite volume.(the molecules in a liquid are spread farther apart than a solid's). An example of a liquid is milk. A gas is something that has an indefinite shape and volume(the molecules are spread even farther apart than a liquid's). An example of a gas is carbon dioxide.

    11. Matter is a substance that has mass and takes up space. The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. A solid has a definite shape and a definite volume. Its molecules are very tight. An example is a block of wood. A liquid has an indefinite shape and a definite volume. Its molecules are looser than solids. An example is water. A gas has an indefinite shape and a indefinite volume. Its molecules are very loose. An example is air.

    12. gas is very loose and free and it has an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume

      liqud has an indefinite shape but a definite volume

      solid has an definite shape and a definite volume

      solids can be changed by a chemical change

      solids have very tight atoms, liquds have simi loose atoms ,but the gas substance has atoms that bounce everywhere in the world so we can breath and for other things in the states and the other countrys on the earth. All matter takes up space no matter what. even this computer has matter in it. Can anyone guess what type of mater this is made of????

  3. Juan's Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition: What is it and give examples of each. Try to find different examples than someone who commented before you.
    Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with.

    1. Weathering- is the breaking down of rocks and soil.
      EX:a plants roots growing down into a rock and breaking it into many pieces.

      Erosion- is the taking away of rocks and soil from there original place.
      EX:waves taking sand away from a beach.

      Deposition- is the droping of rocks and minerals cairied away by erosion.
      EX:rocks falling to the bottom of a stream after being tacken away from there original place.

    2. Weathering- is the breaking of rocks and water and plants and wind can cause wethering to occur.

      Erosion- is the moving of rocks and that can be by wind rivers and more things that can carrie tiny bits of weathered rock away.

      Deposition- is the droping of weathered and eroded rock and it is like sand the wind can blow it into a stream or a river ext.

    3. Weathering is when rocks and stuff in the ground and soil break into pieces caused by plants, water, wind, ex. For example when a top of a mountain breaks by water freezing it and falls to the ground.

      Erosion is when bits and pieces break off and moved by the wind or waves ex. An example of erosion is when that top part of the mountain that broke breaks into smaller pieces by wind or water.

      Deposition is when rock that's already been eroded or weathered and wind or water moves it to a new place. An example of deposition is when the top part of the mountain that's been weathered and eroded gets carried away by wind or waves and is moved to a new place.

    4. Weathering: The braking of rocks and the making of little rocks EX: water getting into the cracks of rocks and when the water freezes it breaks the rock.

      Erosion is the transporting of rock EX: Water carrying pebbles down stream.

      Deposition is when the rocks drop into a delta or pile on the ground EX: pebbles dropped into delta.

    5. Erosion is when little pieces of rock fall off and are moved by wind or water.Erosion take a lot of time you dont just see a rock and the next day its smaller. it takes time for the process to work.

      Deposition is when a rock has already been eroded and has moved to another place. this process also takes a very long time.

      Weathering is when rock and soil break down into tiny pieces. this process, just like the others, takes a very long time

    6. Erosion is when rocks break up because there old and ice and water break up the rock and make like when you see sand that is when rock gets broken up. deposition is when something is already eroded and gets blown away to place to place . wind water plants and ice is weathering like when all those thing occur on a rock that is weathering!

    7. Weathering is the breaking down of rocks(water breaking a rock).

      Erosion is when the tiny pieces of rock are moved by water or wind (tiny pieces of rock moved by wind to another place).

      Deposition is when the weatered and eroded rock has moved to another place (Rocks flowing down a river).

    8. weathering is the process that breaks down rocks,erosion is the breaking down of rocks by wind, water aand ice, deposition is the carrying of rocks to put them in different places

    9. Erosion is the process of water wind and ice braking rocks away then deposition is the process of carrying rocks away and finally its weathering rocks breaking down.

  4. Coolidge Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Weather and reading the fronts. Give examples of weather that occurs as the fronts pass an area. Try to find real life examples. (not just severe weather)
    Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with. You might want to look at your journals to jog your memory.

    1. Weather is the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, and pressure. The fronts that they show represents if the weather is cold or hot. The sign for a cold is like an icicle and the sign for hot is like a half sun. For example one day it can be cold in New York while its hot in hot in Houston.

    2. Weather is part of our world. We use it every day. You might get a cold front in your city for 3 days. Weather can also be very harsh like last summer we got no rain,and it was always hot outside.Theres also survier weather were it is dangerous. So you might half to go stay with someone else in a diffrent area.You can read the weather on newspapers,the weather channel,or look online,and your phone.

    3. ooooookay , so weather is the measurement of stuff like air temperature , pressure , clouds , and wind , that happen in different parts of the Earth . Fronts are the kind of weather that passes through a certain area for a certain amount of time. If a cold front ( which has a symbol that looks like a bunch of icicles in a line) , passes through an area , that place may get cold weather , hail , snow , or even snowstorms . If a warm front passes through an area , the places in that area may get a lot of heavy rainstorms , hot weather , or even droughts if the weather gets too hot .

    4. Weather is a part of earth . You see how the weather is going to turn out on the news. How you know that it is going to be hot or cold is by the symbol they show on the news. The symbol that they show with the bumps on it is a hot front. How I remember it is that it looks like little suns. It usally rains. The one with the triangles on the bottom is the cold front. How I remember it is that the triangles look like icecles. sometimes it snows.

    5. A Cold front is a front that when it passes a city or state, that area becomes rainy and cold.

      A Warm front is when it passes a state or city, that area has sunny skies {Most of the times}

      Weather can always change anytime anywhere, but these fronts predict what is going to happen in the future. Thats why we have a weather forecast. The weather forecast shows us what will happen in the future. They show different fronts. Thats my HW!!!!!

    6. weather happens every day. you might have a cold front for four days then a warm front for three. there can be a drought were there is no rain. These are all examples of weathering. A cold front is were the air around you gets colder and there is rain. A warm front is when air becomes warm and usally you will have a light rain. Weather is happening every day. its changing the Earths surface and our tempature.

    7. When a warm front comes,The weather usually clears quickly. When a cold front comes, thumderstorms and severe weather form. When a cold front comes it gets colder. When a warm front comes, it gets hotter. Weather changes earths tempature. These are all examples of weather fronts. When it gets cold you can tell there is a cold front. When it get hotter and the humidity is high, you can tell that it is a warm front.

    8. On Weather Maps: Fronts are the blue, red and purple lines which signify changing conditions. Lately, we have experienced many cold fronts...represented by the blue lines with triangles pointing in the direction of the front's travel. Behind the front is colder and usually drier air than in front of it. Stormy weather may herald the passage of such a boundary.

    9. Cold fronts bring in cold air wich offten brings rain. A worm front brings worm air wich can couses long sprinkles.

  5. White Class:
    You will hit reply below (not comment) so that your response lines up under your class name.
    Remember your topic is Resources: renewable and non renewable, fossil fuels, Include alternative energy sources as well. (Geothermal, wind, water, etc) Why should the world move toward renewable energy sources? Go into detail some and try to think about something that people might have had trouble with.

    1. Examples of renewable resources:
      Examples of nonrenewable resources:
      Natural Gas
      A nonrenewable resource is a resource that cannot be replaced in a short amount of time. A renewable resource is a resource that can be replaced in a short amount of time. A fossil fuel is a natural fuel such as coal and oil, formed in the earth from the remains of living organisms. The world should move towards renewable resources because we might run out of nonrenewable resources.

    2. non renewable: is a resoure that cannot be replaced within a small amount of time
      Renewable:is a resource that can be replaces in a small amount of time!
      our sun is renewable because we use it everyday! a non renewable resource is a piece of coal it takes a very long time to create so a fossil fuel means natural fuel like oil, its formed in the earth and from remains of living organisms!
      I think people might not have understood: how can you tell the diffrence between Renewable and nrenewable resources ?
      you can tell by the item lets say I have wind , well it is renewable ause we always have wind. No matter were you are if you step outside you can feel it blowing . But what about coal? its non renewable because if we dig it up it will take a long time for new coal to be in its place.

    3. The world should move more toward renewable resources because we are polluting our Earth by burning coal or using gas in our cars. If we used wind and/or solar energy we wouldn't pollute as much and we might stop and/or stall global warming! [By the way global warming is why glaciers and icebergs are melting and raising the sea level, you know what I mean.]

    4. We should start using more renewable energy sources rather nonrenewable. Nonrenewables (coal, gas, petroleum, etc.) pollute and there is a limited amount. Pollution is the biggest contributor to global-warming. Renewable energy doesn't pollute either. We will never run out of them. (sun, wind, waves, etc.) Or at least until the sun dies. (about 4 billion years)

    5. Nonrenewable resource are those natural resources that cannot be replaced once they are used up. Some examples include:


      Renewable resources are those resources that can be replaced as they are used up. Some examples include:


      Renewable Resources
      A renewable resource is something that can be replaced faster than we use it up.

    6. A renewable resource can be replaced in a reasonable amount of time. A nonrenewable resource CANNOT be replaced in a reasonable amount of time. They are of limited use.
      A fossil fuel is a fuel that we use. It is nonrenewable.
      Renewable Resources: the Sun, wind, water, plants, and animals
      Nonrenewable Resources: metal and oil
      Fossil Fuels: crude oil, diamond, propane, and coal.
      Natural resources are resources that come from nature. Air, trees, waterways, and the Sun are all examples of natural resources.
      Fossil Fuels are formed from the remains of organisms.
      Some nonrenewable resources come from renewable resources.
      We should gear ourselves to renewable resources because we can use renewable resources to make long-lasting energy sources. Take a solar panel, for example. They use the sun's solar energy to make energy to power things. It is safer and easier to use. Making fuels and nonrenewable sources can take time. Renewable resources are natural and you won't have to spend a lot of time looking for it. You have about 4.5 billion years to find them (time until the sun dies). Renewable resources do not cause pollution or harm to Earth since they are natural.

    7. Alternative energy sources: Sun and water

    8. I am just going to give out some vocab and a website
      Nonrenewable resource: A resource takes a long (really long) time to form again.
      Ex: Coal, oil, gas, metal etc.
      Renewable resource: A resource that can be replaced in a short amount of time. (not 5 sec though)
      Ex: trees, plants, animals etc.
      Here's the answer to the question:
      If we keep using nonrenewable resources, then someday we will run out. When we do run out, it will take billions of years for more fossil fuels to form. If we start using more renewable resources then the world won't end and we won't die.:)

      Oh yeah, here's a website that is really helpful :D
      really good :)

    9. We should start moving toward renewable resources is because we are polluting our planet and if we used renewable resources we wouldn't have so much pollution because it would renew itself instead of just laying their all shriveled up rotting Earth. Renewable Resources- any natural resources that can be replaced in reasonably short amount of time.
      Examples of Renewable-
      A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource which cannot be grown, made, or generated
      Examples of Nonrenewable-
      Natural gas
      Nuclear Energy.
      Fossil Fuels is a natural fuel such as coal or gas from a gas station, formed in the geological past from remaining's of some living organisms.

    10. Im going to start with renewable resources and then go to nonrenewable.Im using the same website as Madisyn and Here is some examples of renewable resources.
      and here is some examples of non renewable resources
      *All fossil Fuels(copper)
      Non renewable is when somthing can not be grown, and a renewable resource is somthing that can be grown
      Hope this helped :)

  6. This is a very good website that is very helpful

  7. Renewable:
    all fossil fuels

  8. Thermal-fridge,styrofoam cup,campfire,microwave
    Light-lamp,lightbulb,sun,night light and car lights
    Solar-solar panel,and solar powered cars
