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Monday, October 22, 2012

Some good news!

Hello scientist!  This week we will not have a blog activity.  Instead I want you to go outside and look for science in action.  We will be doing something with it next week, so don't forget make some observations. You do not have to write it on here or even come with it on paper! Just go outside and look around, maybe dig in the dirt, find some worms, check out some matter changing state, or just about anything! Science is all around you!

We will have a blog next week so enjoy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. so what we do is go outside and find something science like

    1. yes for exampel the leaves falling of the trees

  3. I saw that the leaves on my tree is falling and changing color. Now I know it's fall.

  4. I saw the sun very bright there was also a nice brezze in the air it felt good
    i also saw a bird nest up in are tree also are lime tree was formming pods and sproutoing
    flowers wich means limes are coming i saw cats in are backyard sleeping in my sisters palyhouse it is really nice outside

  5. I saw my lemons on my lemon bush start to turn yellow. Also I also saw my oranges ripen to. I also saw the leaves on my tree fall off. Also the leaves go through a chemical change when they turn red, yellow, and orange.

  6. I saw oranges turning from green to orange.

  7. Hmmm...

    Has anyone wondered that the universe had to start from nothing, but then Hydrogen was created. How does that work!?

  8. You guys make me smile! I love that you wanted to go on the post and comment about what you found! Good JOB!!!!

  9. I saw a puddle evaporate over 2 days.

  10. In the morning when its humid I can feel the sticky air,and it's hot.I can feel the air outside or inside air.

  11. I went in our backyard to dig a hole. As I was digging the top layer was soil, then I ran into clay, and deeper found some rocks. It reminded me of the layers of the earth we talked about.

  12. I sall Lizardes scuring about in our yard.

  13. I saw my fish grow (not literally but I saw a difference in shape);)
